Blogger Templates

What is in your cup Wednesdays

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Coffee and computing

Last year my daughter started me collecting Lense coffee mugs and this is my newest one.  I soo Love it
It is tall and holds and keeps coffee hot.

Hubby had a surprise for me and had this on layaway for me for awhile so ny new toy is indeed a laptop.
Never thought I would be into them but am liking it!
I have many blogs some are unseen some are public.  I have one that I am using to write a book
I have one I share with a dear friend
I have one that is a rant
And most are fun ones

So here's to 2012 and coffee and computing

Friday, December 9, 2011

PAF at Pixel Dust Photo Art

The last of 2011 for Photo Art Friday
So here at JaveBean I decided to do it here
In Blogland I am known as

Here is my Photo Art fun
This is our Dog Baby
Blue Healer
all in one

Saturday, November 26, 2011

"Aged Beauty" is the theme at Inspiration Avenue

Here I am
other known as
This is my newest Blog and thought I would submit through it today=

While pondering aged beauty and the theme I do not have a lot of old things I have not photographed but then there are the things in nature as in the Eagles I love photographing and they are old and aged and the Whatcom County Mt. Baker region we are not far from so I combined the two and whoa la Aged beauty it is!!
Come see more at Inspiration Avenue and a big thanks to Luthien for hosting this week!!   AWESOME challenge!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

one of my favorite pictures in my backyard!

It speaks out loud to me
the seasons are changing
Love is never failing
We can get through another winter
Remembering that summer will return
I am such a summer person and not winter
My deck gets covered with leaves every year
I love to just stand in the doorway
Coffee in hand and look out the back door
In amazement of God's creations.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fall is here!

As the petals fall off of the sunflowers and the leaves Begin to change color
The wind picks up and the eagles appear
The frost takes over no more dew
The swans appear in the fields behind our house
and then the snow
Am looking forward to capturing it all in the art of Photography

Monday, August 29, 2011

First post on JavaBean Photography

Some of my favorite pictures from last weekend
To my launch of this new blog and my new Etsy shop
Link to be posted soon
As well as a button for your blog!!